Thursday, August 24, 2006

Long Awaited Arrivals

Months back I did a survey about what people thought of the polar bear on top of some hottub store in langley and if it increased business or not. Here's what a few people had to say: (it's a little long, but this is by request so..."bear" with me....(groan)

"some kids might want to climb up on the roof to play with the giant bear" -mel

"that idea is just as obsered as say,
"pinnapples?". Let's take the Coke Bear, because he
has been developed far better...
>>>It creates a picture for people to associate with
the product.<<<" -mark

"the polar bear is very important to the hot tub culture. It was hailed as a god to an icelandic tribe who invented the hot tub. Back then they built them out of stone and heated them with molten lava. The story goes that the cheif Unca uu lucnoi was adopted buy the polar bear cumunity when his family and tribe were killed off in a great war known as the war of the OIeau'ntain lands. The polar bear was hailed as god. This is very important to the ansetors of Unca uu lucnoi. Which are actually now a secrete society that control most of the hot tub and inground pool industry to this day." -dave

"The fact that you are talking about the polar bear, is proof that atleast
the marketing element of the bear is completely working" -joel

"the polar bear would increase the sales of the hot tubs becaues if a hot tub is good enough to keep a polar bear warm then it must be sufficient enough to keep us warm. " sarah

"did you ever relise that there was a hot tub selling place there before? well if you answer 'no' than the polar bear did it's job." --alicia

"this is the reason...and this case is a perfect example of marketing in action.
See, if you would have said "Yesterday I drove by Maximum Hot Tub and saw something cool", I would have had no idea what you were talking about. BUT, when you mentioned the giant out of place polar bear, I immediately knew the exact location you were talking about. Here is an example converstion to illustrate my point:
"Hey Jimmy-boy, have you seen that new patio set in front of Remmington's Discount Furniture?"
", what's Remmington's?"
"You know, that store with the giant blow up three legged dog beside the road"
"AHHHH, yes...and I had noticed that patio set. In fact, I'll go buy it now"

"I think that if we see something that is supposed to be cold enjoying something that is supposed to be hot, then we will come to the conclusion, that everyone will enjoy a hot tub, if a polar bear enjoys a hot tub. "-jess

"I must say that the inflatable creatures (and objects) would not attract me to enter a particular building, and if the creature is hideous enough it may even deter me from entering. The only reason I beleive that these stores have these inflatable objects is to display thier wealth and power. Wouldn't you? It's like "Hey we have some extra money kicking around, what shall we do with it, Sam?" "Why don't we invest in a large and hideous (did I mention tacky) inflatable object to stick on the roof of our business...perhaps it will even draw in more customers, Frank..." "Good idea Sam, get on it right away will you..." "Sure thing Frank, after I'm finished this donut" (Yes I see them as middle-aged and slightly overweight)." -leah

"i think that businesses put HUGE polar bears and so forth on the roofs of the buildings in order to catch the they did with time you drive by a place with something on the roof..if you get a chance..stop by inside the business and ask.."so what's with the polar bear" i'm sure they'd give you some clever answer..and if not..then they're lame..." -channy

"I think that it is a subconscience way in which business owners get people to remember their business and potentially go inside to see what it is." --brooke

Saturday, August 05, 2006


While working in the cafeteria this week, I got the "privilege" of dealing with the asians who never have their own cutlery, or the AWNHTOC if you will. Well, every day around 12:02, a bunch of these AWNHTOC would come and ask me for a "pork" (translated fork) After three days of telling them "ill give you it today, but tomorrow you have to bring your own" one persistent AWNHTOC came and asked me once more. Sternly, I put on my best authoritative voice, breathed in and let out a good strong, but not scary, "No". Dejected the kid walked away. I felt bad, but hey, I told him 3 times already. I went back to work only to be interrupted not 3 minutes later by the little guy. He looked at me with his deep brown asian eyes and said with a slight plea in his voice "spoon??" Needless to say, I promptly got him the fork he wanted in the first place. Silly little AWNHTOC.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Personality Crisis

There's a new york dolls song entitled "personality crisis" I don't know what the rest of the songs about, but on the topic of personality crisis. It's like, you know who you are, what your about, what your doing and it's all good. Then, by some freak chance you find yourself in a very different place in life. Today, I found myself in a whirwind of uncertainty. Life didn't make sense. The things around me were so blurred, so confusing. All this ended with a clashing sound as I put cash down on the counter. My purchase was bagged, and I headed out of the store. Who am I? How can I think the things I do and yet fall so low? I don't understand. Who is this face I see in the mirror? I bought pants today. Beige pants. Here's the biggie. They're from the GAP. It's ok, my name is still the same, you can reach me at the same phone number, my person is ok, but I don't know who I am. I purchased something from the GAP. I'm so lost. Please, don't treat me any differently, this situation is hard enough as it is. I heard that when you fall in the bottomless pit, you die of starvation. Does body have some luchables? or a juice box? ...I love you too Bret.