Monday, November 27, 2006

roses are red

roses are red....

It is said that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. It is true, and I dare say that I would rather call a rose something other than "rose", so that the rose knew it was not "just another rose" but it was important to me, something of significance.

I wish, and this is far fetched....that I had a nick name for like everyone. one that actually stuck. That would be wicked. The names would have to be the ones that roll off the tongue. Not the forced ones that you need to think about, but the amazing ones that just plain work. The kind that others pick up on and outsiders question. So if I ever start to call you something other than your name, don't be concerned. it's just in attempt to fulfill my dream of a world by a different name.....


I am so glad it has snowed. Snow gives justification to do nothing. Have I ever told you how much I love nothing? I love it allot. Nothing is what you add to something that is great already and it makes it just as good. "this soup is great, what does it need?"


oh it's great.