Sunday, September 13, 2009

Autumns Hesitation

Fall came the other day. I knew it was here because the air was chilled and the rain poured down as I drove to work. Fall is such a gloomy time. It’s not really something that we ask for. Its more like something that we just find ourselves in, you know? It lends itself to responsibility and schedules; as apposed to summers’ care free long days, late nights spent strolling the pier, watching movies with friends, or conversing about life and ministry and anything that lands in-between. Fall is the essence of real life. We work because we need money. We need money because we need to live and have some sort of social life. We do ministry… I’d like to say that we do ministry because we love it, but sometimes I wonder if we don’t find some sense of belonging there. Like what we are doing with our lives actually counts for something, and me helping out or leading somehow makes me part of a bigger, majestic sized masterpiece. I’d love to be part of something majestic. Actually, I just like to be a part- of anything really.