Monday, September 18, 2006

Bikes, OJ and Oprah

Sometimes humans combine things that really make me question our..oh I dunno...sanity perhaps? Perhaps this is normal to you. Maybe you are not as wierded out as me. Stereo types make me laugh. They are so funny. It's like taking the good things in life and becoming an extremist of sorts. Here are two types of people who I never thought would work together. Let me introduce you to Mike. Mike is a fun loving guy who sees the benefit of keeping in top physical condition. He runs 3k each morning before he eats a bowl of those little circles we all love. Sing it with me now.."o-o-o-o cheerios" After that he'll head for his fitness room to ride the bike for a while. Mike, and his bike, love fitness. Joe in the other hand is a couch potato. Exercise is walking to the tv to change the channel when the battery is dead. To the fridge for another cold one. OJ that is. To the bathroom for, well, you know. Joe is a tv junkie.

Now let's try something, shall we? Let's take tvs, and put them on treadmill, on elliptical and on bikes. Is this only ironic to me? Is no one else laughing? Joe and Mike will never be friends. They're to stubbornly living the stereo type. Treadmill and TV's don't mix. They not only serve different purposes, they are arch enemies in their purposes. Treadmill are for running, being active. TV are for nothing, being lazy. sitting. comfort. relaxing. They don't mix, it's like putting a bed in the super market so you can sleep while you shop. You just don't. I saw this combo today and was confused. Now, If you'll excuse me, I have a runnig date with Oprah. Thanks.