Thursday, July 29, 2010


I think i've tries tried to read through the Bible probably a dozen or so times before. I think I've probably stopped once i got to Leviticus. this time I'm determined to make it through. it all seems so meaningless... or is it?

There was such care and strategy placed on the Presence of God. Such holy reverence. A true and serious respect. Step by step, everything.. EVERYTHING was done right. Done exactly as the Lord asked. Done exactly how He wanted it.

Everything and everyone was so clean, so pure and so serious about the altar and the holy of holies. According to Jewish tradition, the priest had bells on the bottom of His robe, and a rope around his ankle. If the bells stopped ringing, it was assumed he had died in the presence of a most holy God, and the would pull him out by the rope.

Though I am eternally grateful that Jesus was the final sin offering, and that I can come boldly to the throne, sure of His glad welcome, I regret the way Christ followers today have forsaken the reverence and awe that Holy One of Israel demands.

I'm surprised at His mercy and patience with us. Time and time again, we defile His presence. We have forgotten the gravity of entering in. Grace says "Come in, the curtain was torn!" and I agree full heartedly. Yet, are we not to revere the Lord? Fear Him for He is holy? Consecrate ourselves that He may come? Jesus came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. Yet in the name of "grace" have we not disregarded the all that He wrote in the earlier parts of His Holy Book?

If we are to see the fullness's of His presence, if we are to receive all the He has for us, if we are to truly enter into the fullness of His grace, can I convey from my heart my deepest desire? Lord, would we not grieve Your Holy Spirit. Would we revere Your presence. There is more of You that we have not seen. I'm looking forward to the day when we cannot stand in the chapel, for our knees fall weak before You. I'm looking forward to the day when you come in power and overtake our services, our meetings, our worship times. Not only at church, please Lord. Please- overtake our homes, our families, our jobs. Our day to day. Holy spirit, forgive us. Forgive us. Forgive us.

"Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart. Who has not lifted us his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully... such is the generation of those who seek You, who seek your face, O God of Jacob...." Psalm 24:3,4,6