Friday, July 23, 2010

my altar

So I'm reading through the Bible in 90 days. Or at least trying to. It's not going so well yet, but it IS going, so... I'll stick with that. I'm hoping to catch up on my 20 hr ride to nowhere tomorrow. Don't know if I actually will, but it's a nice thought.

Pushing through Genesis caused me to see something. Altars.

It was so common for people to build an altar to remember the good God had done. We live in a fast paced society. We are a fast paced people. We rarely stop to breath, let alone remember. Even in our spiritual lives we run from one thing to the next. Always on the go, always heading forward- and fast. Never looking back.

I like the past. I like the things I've seen God do. I look back and say, "look at the pit from which I was hewn!" Look at where I was heading. Look at how good He has been to me! Look at that He's done! I kept reading, about the people and their altars, and how they'd remember and thankfulness rose up inside of me.

I'm so thankful for where he has taken me. I'm so thankful for all He has done with the youth, and at classic. I'm so thankful that He opens door for me, like Mexico. I'm so thankful that I was born here, that I have the parents I do, and the family and church family that I do. I'm so thankful that I'm supported and loved. I'm so thankful for the opportunities He's given me and the life I get to live. What a privilege. THank you Lord!

In running to "the next thing" and the "fresh revelation" and all those good things, may I never stop giving thanks, and may I always remember all that you have done. You are so faithful. Thank you.