Thursday, January 12, 2006

a horse of course

What are we teaching our kids these days? I was babysitting earler, and the girl I was watching got sick of playing school and looks at me and says, "do you want me to give you a tattoo?" So she pulls out this tattoo kit, I kid you not, made all purple and sparlky and you spray on tattoos. Are you not as shocked as I? I mean, are the biker types trying to get them hooked early? I don't know. I used to be all 'pro tattoo', now they repulse me, so my opinin on tattooed children may be biased, cause I don't really like tattooed adults either, but really guys, what is the world comming to? I though little girls are supposed to dream about being princesses in gorgeous gowns, and being swept off thier feet onto valiant steed, riding into sunset with prince charming. Not tight leather and pericings, being hoisted onto a harley and speeding off down the street to the bar with some guy who will wear his first, second and third girlfriends names on his arm untill he dies. What has become of childhood I ask you, what has become of it...harley or horse, you choose.