Monday, April 24, 2006

Go Fly a Kite

first, I must comment on the beautiful weather. I cannot begin to
speak of how amazing it is. I spent a good hour outside basking in the
splendor of the great circle, catching some rays, getting a tan....i
mean studying biology...yes (actually I was doing homework) But
really, I am in awe. Now, here's the cool thing : today, I was over by
the college, and what the girls do is put all the stuff they don't
want out in the hallways so that others can take it if they want it.
Most everything was gone, but I figured...I'm may not be dutch, but
nothings better than free eh? so i rummaged for a bit.  Hark! what is
this neon thing I see?? could it be?? Is it?? oh is !! it is a
kite!! Joy of joys I snatched as a fat kid would the last cookie on
earth. I got a kite. I didn't have one before. it's a nice kite too.
No string, but nobody said that free was perfect , eh? Last sunday
would've been nice, but now, I have a kite to call my
...bring on the beach. : )

Monday, April 17, 2006


I drew my sword and challenged my opponent to a duel. En guard! I cried, circling around her like a predator and it's prey. Slash! Our swords clanged together making swooshing sounds like arrows flying past your head. I climbed the ladder that stood beside me. "I can't climb that Jen, I'm wearing a skirt!" The story that had unfolded so nicely in my head came to an alarming halt as reality sunk in. I put down the church bulletin I had rolled into sword and sighed as I thanked Sandra for playing along with me as long as she did. Today again, while walking with Amanda, I found myself slicing the air with my sword. Jabbing and poking and dancing around like an idiot. Even now, as I sat down to check my mail and such, I found myself googling fencing venues in the lower main land. Why this sudden craze in my head?? I dunno. and I uhhh... I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand? --I don't always [end] conversations this way... Cause if so, I'll have to kill you. But how about you put down your rock and I put down my sword and we try to kill each other like civilized people. Much better.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

childhood revisited

Like the sand box, koolaid or really tacky clothing, trees have always been a fond memory of childhood. Out of "not so sudden" urge, I claimed a tree yesterday. Low branches were scarce, so I had to use tall ladder to get anywhere near a branch. And so I climbed. Up, up. Oh wow, Im as tall as my house. Up, up. I can see the road. Up. my house even looks small...I wonder what my neighbor thinks of me..... So I got there, to as far as I was going that is, and after surveying the "area" (tape measure and all) I climbed down. I went back in my house, only half satisfied. I didnt get the "samples" I wanted. (samples which would have to be taken from up high, for if not, it could making getting down ...harder.) I headed up again, this time with a saw hanging out of my pocket (I do not recommend this type of climbing. And so, I got what I went for, though, to those it may concern, preferred size was not met, nor was preferred "straitness" met either. Plan B I believe is necessary... for shame..... I do believe that despite my disappointment, i did find I new...old favorite past time... anyone for a good climb?

Saturday, April 08, 2006


As a result of non-interesting looking other movies, I rented robots and watched it with a few friends tonight. It was acctually quite funny. The funniest part, by far happened in about 2 seconds and made the whole movie for me. In one of the buildings, the signs on the doors for the bathrooms were not labled with the standard pictures, but the pictures if either the female or male end of an electrical cord. (get it??) This naturally looses like all the fun casue you didn't see the picture, bu t really, if for only those 2 seconds, you should see robots.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

comments on comments

In speaking with my father about my previous post, which I don't usually do, he commented that the box should say "the Newton library may be hazardous to your health. Read at your own risk" I found it quite funny....

Saturday, April 01, 2006

"Dirty" Books

I was at the library today, and saw be the judge. The ladies at the check out line thing were wearing clear latex-y gloves. I am quite confuzed. Are they not touching the same books and vidoes that I am?? Are the book so unsanitary that they need these gloves? I understand that these book do get around, but can't they just wash their hands? It makes you feel a little uneasy doesn't it? Why do I not get gloves?? there should be a big box of gloves at the door of the library that says "Take one, we're unsanitary in here" Or "watch out for bacteria" or somthing. I think that latex would become a more developed industry as a result... latex gloves indeed.