Monday, April 17, 2006


I drew my sword and challenged my opponent to a duel. En guard! I cried, circling around her like a predator and it's prey. Slash! Our swords clanged together making swooshing sounds like arrows flying past your head. I climbed the ladder that stood beside me. "I can't climb that Jen, I'm wearing a skirt!" The story that had unfolded so nicely in my head came to an alarming halt as reality sunk in. I put down the church bulletin I had rolled into sword and sighed as I thanked Sandra for playing along with me as long as she did. Today again, while walking with Amanda, I found myself slicing the air with my sword. Jabbing and poking and dancing around like an idiot. Even now, as I sat down to check my mail and such, I found myself googling fencing venues in the lower main land. Why this sudden craze in my head?? I dunno. and I uhhh... I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand? --I don't always [end] conversations this way... Cause if so, I'll have to kill you. But how about you put down your rock and I put down my sword and we try to kill each other like civilized people. Much better.