Monday, April 24, 2006

Go Fly a Kite

first, I must comment on the beautiful weather. I cannot begin to
speak of how amazing it is. I spent a good hour outside basking in the
splendor of the great circle, catching some rays, getting a tan....i
mean studying biology...yes (actually I was doing homework) But
really, I am in awe. Now, here's the cool thing : today, I was over by
the college, and what the girls do is put all the stuff they don't
want out in the hallways so that others can take it if they want it.
Most everything was gone, but I figured...I'm may not be dutch, but
nothings better than free eh? so i rummaged for a bit.  Hark! what is
this neon thing I see?? could it be?? Is it?? oh is !! it is a
kite!! Joy of joys I snatched as a fat kid would the last cookie on
earth. I got a kite. I didn't have one before. it's a nice kite too.
No string, but nobody said that free was perfect , eh? Last sunday
would've been nice, but now, I have a kite to call my
...bring on the beach. : )