Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Exerpts from Exodus

So Moses is talking with the burning bush. God's talking about bringing the israelits to the wilderness for a little worship retreat. God even goes to the extent to say that the israelits will have favor in the eyes of the egyptians as they leave, and that when they leave, they won't be going empty handed. Good deal- then Moses pipes in. "Suppose the people won't believe me or listen..." I imagine God shaking His head. "what's in you hand?' ....I imagine a pause from our friend ..."a rod..." comes the timid reply. "That'll do." ...a sigh of relief comes on Moses's part. "Gee, now that I know that this rod will save my neck...Im so glad we cleared that up God.." No. I think Moses still didn't get it. God does go on to demonstrate His power which clams the fears of our friend. God ended up doing some crazy things with that rod, the climatic moment being the parting of the red sea.
Down to our level. There's things that God asks us to do. Small things, big things...whatever. We're all like..."ok God, good plan but 'suppose' (fill in excuse here)" and He asks "what's in you hand?" And we're like "not much, just this( fill in seemingly useless item here.) " " Good" comes the reply "One day we'll part the waters with it."