Tuesday, February 14, 2006

habitual sin

Whether one defines it as sin or action taken because of the present circumstance, I have done it again. Wait--let me correct myself. I have done it again and again and again. Every time I'm at a store, I look for purses. I have even taken my free time and made specific trips just to look for a purse. (so I did once, but still--once is still one too many) wait-- twice. Oh man, thats like double sin....what has become of me?? Either way, the present circumstance of the nature in which I carry belongings is screaming to one horrible conclusion. That I must get a purse. Whats worse is that I want to get one that goes with my jacket. As in "looks good with". Without clash. Coordinating colors. eww...

In other news, I started a habit of drinking green tea. I like it now. I never thoght I would. It beats making my own coffee in the mornings though...