Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I've been relizing something about girls recently. I sat down intending on writing something about pride and prejudice. i was going to go for a sappy "I thought it was so wonderful" kind of review, but I can't. Not because the movie wasn't wonderful, but I have other things to say. As I was saying at the beginning, I've been realizing some things about girls recently. Has anyone told you today that you are beautiful? I've been observing something I havn't taken the time to appreciate before. I've been seeing what I haven't before, because I'm looking where I haven't been. I've seen beauty. Not outward beauty. Not just another pretty face. It's your heart girls. I think that your heart is beautiful. There is something about your heart, I cannot even begin to describe how precious it is. So delicate, so deep, so lovley. I don't know where all this is comming from. I suppose I just begun to take appreciation for what I never did before. Im not ususally this sentimental, it's just that this concept has struck me these past few days. Your heart is beautiful. I hope you belive it too....I suppose that captivating is getting to me. Let us blame this on that....yes let's.There's some lamo country sounding song the goes "she don't know she's beautiful" ...(i dont know any other lines...) but I think that so many don't know they are beautiful cause they think that beauty resides in the mirror. It does not. it comes out in your laugh, it comes out in you conversation, it comes out in your attitude. You beauty comes out when you live. When your attitude is radiant, your beauty shines through. I am convinced. Nothing on earth is more beautiful then a womans heart. Girls, you are beautiful.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
You lazy dog...
I have a question to ask. if anyone could give me a rather beleiveable answer, that be way cool. Why "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" Why? where'd it come from. Why do we use it. It is used to show fonts, thats the only place i think Ive seen it. very strange...very very strange...maybe it a code of some sort, and they sent it all over the world....I knew they were up to somthing. In other news, fav quote of the day " I love them!! I love them !! You hate them compared to how much I love them!!" (it's from madagascar....)
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Foreign Food
The other day I went on a grand adventure with my good friend. We embarked on a mission to find china town. The intent being that we would buy Chinese food to eat. I found very little of interest, and long and short of it, ended up purchasing a steam bun from the steam bun store in Whalley, across from Safeway. Hey, at least being white didn't make me a minority in whalley.....
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Days Like Today
So, I'm walking down the street, and I says to myself (I knew it was me cause I recognised the voice) "It looks as thought it might rain...." You know, I heard a little saying (seeminly one to many times) that the rain in spain stays mainly in the plain. I wish that surrey was spain, and not just to upgrade the our ghetto biulding to cool ones either. It simply rains far too often.....and of course then you have days like today....
Today started out like a normal day, although the frost on the grass threw me off a little. School starts, I'm studying (biology mind you...see, I told you "I'm a good girl I am!! AYYY!!) "Look" cries one "It's snowing!!" and by golly, he was right. Snow. In March. How am I suppose to get into the "swing of spring" if the weather starts to play these kind of tricks??? Outrageous, really. It was a confuzing day, But on the other hand....
It was a gIorious day. i loved it. it was so beautiful. I stood outside in the snow just looking at it, allowing the snowflakes to land softly on my face. They were such large flakes, they look as if they wer feathers softly floating...I twirled around, as if I hadn't a care in the world, simlpy enjoying the moment, eating it up, if I may. It was almost magical....I love days like today
But this weirdo skitsophrenic weather has got to stop. I love the snow, but then, take a look outside. What do you see?? Nothing! You can't even tell that it snowed, and thats "snow good" at all. As if the weather said I'm rain, or am I sun, I'm snow, or even hail. My name is Fred, I'm Bob, Nice to meet you, I'm Joe, or better yet Cindy. ....umm (insert some joke about talking to yourself here, I can't think of any...) I guess I just don't understand days like today.
Today started out like a normal day, although the frost on the grass threw me off a little. School starts, I'm studying (biology mind you...see, I told you "I'm a good girl I am!! AYYY!!) "Look" cries one "It's snowing!!" and by golly, he was right. Snow. In March. How am I suppose to get into the "swing of spring" if the weather starts to play these kind of tricks??? Outrageous, really. It was a confuzing day, But on the other hand....
It was a gIorious day. i loved it. it was so beautiful. I stood outside in the snow just looking at it, allowing the snowflakes to land softly on my face. They were such large flakes, they look as if they wer feathers softly floating...I twirled around, as if I hadn't a care in the world, simlpy enjoying the moment, eating it up, if I may. It was almost magical....I love days like today
But this weirdo skitsophrenic weather has got to stop. I love the snow, but then, take a look outside. What do you see?? Nothing! You can't even tell that it snowed, and thats "snow good" at all. As if the weather said I'm rain, or am I sun, I'm snow, or even hail. My name is Fred, I'm Bob, Nice to meet you, I'm Joe, or better yet Cindy. ....umm (insert some joke about talking to yourself here, I can't think of any...) I guess I just don't understand days like today.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Love sick...or just sick
There was song I heard long ago...it goes sometimes like this..."And oh, Im the great pretender....Pretending in all my ways ..." So here goes nothing. I love biology. I enjoy it, find delight in it. I think about it while I'm at school and while I'm at home. I find entertainment in it. I can never get enough of it. Its just so blooming fun.
Did I convince you? I hope so, cause if you could convince me of it, life would be easier......well, back to the books....(rolling of the eyes)
Did I convince you? I hope so, cause if you could convince me of it, life would be easier......well, back to the books....(rolling of the eyes)
My Fair recommendation

I watched My Fair Lady the other day. I must say, that movie is absolutely delightful. I grinned on the inside most all of the time. I laughed often, and snickered when I wasn't laughing,( though it wasn't meant to be a "laugh out loud" comedy) I really found it to be quite a smashing success. It was marvelous, a genius work of art. It was, I lower my head to say, a musical. I am not fond of musicals, and that would be an understatement, but I loved this one. I'm not sure why. Maybe because the songs added to the story and plot, they weren't just songs, they were important ideas to the film, only in verse and rhyme. The scripting was so clever and witty. Classic, most definatly a classic. If you have yet to indulge yourself in this epic movie, it's not too late, and I dare say, I recommend it.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
heres our Flippin' Awesome standard

Ignite held alot of things for me. Though the speakers were great, I learned the most from just being there and playing my part. I didn't go to Ignite intending to receive. I went to give. I went to pour out. In doing so, in creating that flow in my life, God was able to pour in to me. If you come intending to receive only, you can only fill up to full, but when you are pouring out, that's when God gets to FLOW through you. The whole weekend was amazing. We did so much. From our worship to our video, we more than "one upped" ourselves from last year. To sum up the weekend in one word, I would have to say freedom. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. We danced on Satan. We crushed him under our feet. Hands once chained were lifted up in reckless abandonment and absolute worship. Seeing that release of freedom was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Ignite was, as we like to say at firestorm, flippin' awesome.
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