Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I've been relizing something about girls recently. I sat down intending on writing something about pride and prejudice. i was going to go for a sappy "I thought it was so wonderful" kind of review, but I can't. Not because the movie wasn't wonderful, but I have other things to say. As I was saying at the beginning, I've been realizing some things about girls recently. Has anyone told you today that you are beautiful? I've been observing something I havn't taken the time to appreciate before. I've been seeing what I haven't before, because I'm looking where I haven't been. I've seen beauty. Not outward beauty. Not just another pretty face. It's your heart girls. I think that your heart is beautiful. There is something about your heart, I cannot even begin to describe how precious it is. So delicate, so deep, so lovley. I don't know where all this is comming from. I suppose I just begun to take appreciation for what I never did before. Im not ususally this sentimental, it's just that this concept has struck me these past few days. Your heart is beautiful. I hope you belive it too....I suppose that captivating is getting to me. Let us blame this on that....yes let's.There's some lamo country sounding song the goes "she don't know she's beautiful" ...(i dont know any other lines...) but I think that so many don't know they are beautiful cause they think that beauty resides in the mirror. It does not. it comes out in your laugh, it comes out in you conversation, it comes out in your attitude. You beauty comes out when you live. When your attitude is radiant, your beauty shines through. I am convinced. Nothing on earth is more beautiful then a womans heart. Girls, you are beautiful.