Thursday, March 09, 2006

Days Like Today

So, I'm walking down the street, and I says to myself (I knew it was me cause I recognised the voice) "It looks as thought it might rain...." You know, I heard a little saying (seeminly one to many times) that the rain in spain stays mainly in the plain. I wish that surrey was spain, and not just to upgrade the our ghetto biulding to cool ones either. It simply rains far too often.....and of course then you have days like today....

Today started out like a normal day, although the frost on the grass threw me off a little. School starts, I'm studying (biology mind you...see, I told you "I'm a good girl I am!! AYYY!!) "Look" cries one "It's snowing!!" and by golly, he was right. Snow. In March. How am I suppose to get into the "swing of spring" if the weather starts to play these kind of tricks??? Outrageous, really. It was a confuzing day, But on the other hand....

It was a gIorious day. i loved it. it was so beautiful. I stood outside in the snow just looking at it, allowing the snowflakes to land softly on my face. They were such large flakes, they look as if they wer feathers softly floating...I twirled around, as if I hadn't a care in the world, simlpy enjoying the moment, eating it up, if I may. It was almost magical....I love days like today

But this weirdo skitsophrenic weather has got to stop. I love the snow, but then, take a look outside. What do you see?? Nothing! You can't even tell that it snowed, and thats "snow good" at all. As if the weather said I'm rain, or am I sun, I'm snow, or even hail. My name is Fred, I'm Bob, Nice to meet you, I'm Joe, or better yet Cindy. ....umm (insert some joke about talking to yourself here, I can't think of any...) I guess I just don't understand days like today.