Monday, July 17, 2006

Hey Stranger

"Be safe" "be careful" "look before you cross the street" "don't talk to strangers" common sense. All of it. Or at least I should hope.But is one really more careful if told to be so? I don't think so. Do we look before crossing the street because of instruction or out of instinct? And as for strangers, what's so bad about them? I ride the skytrain to work (like a functioning member of society, perhaps another tale for another time) And I am always so tempted to talk to people. Something inside me. Perhaps I don't like to do nothing, and I like to talk, so instead of sitting in silence on the 10 minute ride to work, I would rather chat. But I have been told, no have been brainwashed to not talk to strangers, so I hold my tongue. Sometimes I literally bite down on it to refrain from talking. Why? That's what I'm to do. My Dad talks to strangers all the time, why can't I? I mean, I won't go talking to the guy across from me who smells of alcohol, or the angry couple using other f words than frivolous, frugal or (crap, I still don't remember the third) but maybe the middle aged lady with pain in her eyes, or the old lady who looks so at peace or the young girl pushing a stroller that should be holding her younger sibling but it isn't. Maybe I can talk to them. Cause for real, like everyday, I want to talk to someone, but I don't....Cause they're a stranger, but....then again, you and I were strangers once too....and really, you even check my blog now....