Monday, October 16, 2006

To be or not to be?

The drops poured down from the grey clouds for one of the first times this season. Driving in the rain I felt a certain sence of melancholy. Not a depressed state, but a thoughtful one. Sobering almost. I was thinking on people, relationships in general and as we drove, a line from shakespear ran through my mind...

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances..."

I felt, at that moment, unusually poetic, and so, as we would assume I "what the heck" ed, told the people around me what was going through my head, and we all laughed at my expense, an expense well spent. It was however a really wierd moment, so I thought I'd share it, for as you read this, truly you observe me on the stage, and now my exit comes. Adiue.