Thursday, December 22, 2005

beaten senseless

So I'm at superstore today, ( i was ther far too long, but thats another story in and of itself) I there, and I glance over at the sea food section to see somthing that I was quite ...well i was taken back by the whole happening. There's the fish in the tanks right? So I won't go all " they can't survive in there" stuff that i could get into, cause they can't survive in my stomache after I eat them there goes that argument... But when you buy them...the little fish man behind the counter scoops up little Flipper (thats what I named the fish I saw) (course I really named him right now for sakeof my story...added effect you know) and he takes this orange thing and beats the fish till it stops moving. Can you belivev that ? I mean, forget parana Dora from the amazon, this fish murder's the real a grim reaper of fish. So once they finnish knocking the fish around till it dies, they happily hand it over to the customer. Dead. In a bag. beaten senseless. Gone to littel fishie heaven... I suppose it's for the best. can you imagine if they didn't kill the fish before hand? I mean how'd you like to have this on your tomb stone " There was no 'batter' father than Flipper Fishton...." or some other joke about lying in peaces of fish sticks instead of in peace......I know, im not really that funny....anyways, I hope no one I knew saw me watch them murder Flipper, my face must have been a sight to see in itself...