Wednesday, December 21, 2005

christmas shopping comentary

So I went Christmas shopping again today. Grrr. I can't stand that sport. Everyone at the mall is always ticked off, even the depressed looking sally ann person with that bell. Are't they supposed to be joyful?? The clerks are jerks, and im sure it not just cause that rymes so well.. I hate christmas shopping. In case you're wondering, I do see the irony in this, im not the village idot.. It's worse when you can't find what you're looking for, or even worse when you don't know what you're looking for. Then, you can even get the stressed worker to help you find it, cause you don't know what IT is. It's funny. I can find lots of things for me...but some how I think that misses the point. Then we come across the "cheep" problem. (I'd blame it on being dutch, but I'm not....) It's like this, you are too cheep to get somthing for someone that they'll actually like, i mean somthing worthwhile, yet to get somthing that was reasonably priced , they wont like it. It's generally novelty anways. Chocolates? Anyone likes chocolates, but they hate to get them ,cause they think they're fat. Chocolates don't make you fat. If they did, then willy wonka would look like agustus gloop, then again, i suppose that gloop kid looked like that for a reason...chocolate? So by giving chocolates, what are you saying? You're fat, here it doesnt matter if you eat these? or how bout ..I can't think of anything creative , so here, have these. I dunno. I bought someone chocolates today. It feels like christmas shoppers writing block. Nothing to say, but the papers due so you make it up. Or how about those blasted relatives that you only see at christmas, what of them ? The present to them is more like your once a year aknowlegment of theire existance and is always generic and sterotypical. Oh what christmas shopping does to my creativity's ego. It hurts I tell you, hurts....